Community Events at InGARSS 2023

Young Professionals (YP)

Modern map-making is all about building a narrative. This session encourages the use of interactive storytelling using maps and visualizations to better showcase and share information in the digital age. There are two events under InGARSS 2023’s YP Event, click on the links below to know more.

"Story Through Maps" Challenge

"Earth at Risk" EO Data Image Contest

Women in Engineering (WiE)

To bring together female engineers, researchers, educators, and industry experts to share their experiences, discuss difficulties and possibilities, and empower one another to continue breaking down barriers.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Connecting mentors who can provide support, guidance, and career development opportunities to individuals from underrepresented groups who may face additional barriers to entry or advancement in the field.

A "Spatial Card Making" Session

Student Mentorship Program

Birds of a Feather (BoF) Session


The IDEA Program shall Inspire, Develop, Empower, and Advance (IDEA) all GRSS members and affiliates of accredited societies who are interested in the fields of interest of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). At InGARSS 2023, join us to learn and understand the GRSS Chapter Best Practices and Challenges and GRSS Funding Opportunities for Chapters and Student Branches.