Travel Support

InGARSS 2023 provides two types of travel support for participants.

  1. The GRSS Travel Grant
  2. The InGARSS 2023 Travel Grant through Sponsorship

The applications for travel grants will be considered for registrations until October 31, 2023, AOE.



Travel support for a limited number of GRSS, students, and non-members may be available from the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society and the InGARSS Travel Sponsorship. Application for which will happen through the official InGARSS 2023 registration form only. In the registration form, you will be asked “Would you require a Travel Support?” Please mention “Yes” to register your interest.

What will this cover?

The GRSS Travel Grant and InGARSS Travel Sponsorship will provide a lump-sum travel support of approximately Rs. 12,000 for participants travelling within India, and of approximately $1000 for foreign participants which should cover:

  • Conference registration fee
  • 3AC train fare (within India) or economy class airfare (from outside India)
  • Accommodation (Hotel/Hostel) cost for 5 days
When and how will it be paid to you?
  • Reimbursement will be made AFTER the conference, once the authors have presented their papers or posters. Detailed instructions will be provided to recipients. Payment will be through direct deposit to the bank account
  • The final payment will be made within 14 working days of the conclusion of the conference

GRSS Travel Grant

To apply for the GRSS Travel Grant, you must:
  • be an IEEE and GRSS member
  • be a first author or presenting author on at least 1 accepted abstract
  • Priority would be given to applicants who have not received funding within the last 2 years
  • not submit multiple applications for same abstract ID
You can increase your chances to receive the GRSS Travel Grant if:
  • you bring in co-funding from your institution or other external sources
  • you are an active GRSS volunteer in a local GRSS chapter or local GRSS student chapter

InGARSS 2023 Travel Grant Through Sponsorship

To apply for the InGARSS 2023 Travel Grant through Sponsorship, you must:
  • Not be eligible for for GRSS travel grant
  • Not have applied to the GRSS travel grant
  • be a first author or presenting author on at least 1 accepted abstract

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