Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) Talks

Exploring EO Data on Bhoonidhi


Ms. Manju Sarma has over 32 years of experience in the field of Software Solutions and development for Satellite ground segment realization. Her key contributions and major achievements are in the area of Design and Architecture of Software Systems for Satellite Ground Segment Data processing components at NRSC, ISRO.

Some of her notable contributions include:

  • Developing high data rate (upto 2.8 Gbps) Payload Data Acquisition software systems,
  • Level-0 payload data pre-processing of more than 20 + satellites, 24/7 Automation in Ground segment production workflows generating lakhs of products per year, Productionizing Thematic (Multi-sensor Water spread) products and Automation of Value-added Information products.
  • Spearheaded the team to develop Web portals for EO data dissemination (Bhoonidhi-ISRO EO data Hub) hosting Indian Remote sensing Satellite EO data and Foreign EO Data serving Remote sensing User community.
  • Initiated development of new methodologies to continuously improve quality and quantity of operational Data products in IMGEOS data centre.
Career and Acheivements

Manju has also ensured and delivered software systems in the capacity of Deputy Project Director for IMGEOS software development, Deputy Project Director for Resourcesat-2 and Resourcesat-2A, Deputy Project Director for ALGERIA Data processing systems, Project Manager –Resourcesat-1, Member of ISRO Software Control Board. Lead many International collaborations for development and installation of IRS Data pre-processing systems at Foreign Ground stations for about 15 + countries. She has also represented ISRO in USGS-Landsat collaborations and visited countries (USA, China, Myanmar, Germany) for establishment IRS processing systems at international ground stations.Manju has received the ISRO excellence award for realization of Integrated Multi-mission Ground Segment for Earth Observation system (IMGEOS). Published about (300 +) technical ISRO restricted documents and 50 + papers. She is also a member of many professional bodies.

Session Details

Venue: R103, IIIT-Bangalore

Time: Dec 11, 2023, 9:30-10:15 am IST

M. Manju Sarma

Deputy Director, Data Processing Area, NRSC, ISRO.

NISAR - Overview and Products & Data Dissemination


H S V Usha Sundari Ryali completed her B. Tech in 1997 in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Andhra Pradesh, India. She started her career at ISRO in 1998 and working in SAR data processing and SAR Interferometry from past 23 years. She is an Operational Manager for RISAT-1(first indigenous Spaceborne C-band SAR mission from India) & its follow-on mission EOS-04, SARAL Altika (ISRO-CNES Collaboration Mission) and NovaSAR (by SSTL, UK) Data Processing operations at National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC/ISRO).

Career and Acheivements

Usha contributed to the spaceborne and airborne SAR data product generation, Calibration and Validation of data products, and capacity building support. She is heading SAR Data processing Division at NRSC and leading Near Real Time SAR Software Quick Look Processor, Information product generation, SAR Data Utilization tools development etc. She is also Deputy Project Director for Payload Data Products of NISAR and focal point for establishment of Ground Segment Schema for NISAR Data products generation and dissemination from Integrated Multi Mission for Earth Observation Satellites (IMGEOS), NRSC/ISRO.

Session Details

Venue: R103, IIIT-Bangalore

Time: Dec 11, 2023, 10:15-11:00 am IST

HSV Usha Sundari Ryali

Head, SAR Data Processing Division, Data processing Area, NRSC, ISRO

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