Call for Proposals for Invited Special Session
Proposal Submission Closed
Important Note
For the submission of papers of selected proposals, specific instructions will be provided at the time of proposal acceptance notification.
For queries, contact us at with subject prefixed “Invited Special Session Proposal Query:”
Some of the special interest topics of the Invited special session as follows:
- Geoscience/Remote Sensing for detection, monitoring, and forecasting of natural disasters
- Geoscience/Remote Sensing for forecast and monitoring the spread of tropical diseases, such as malaria, dengue etc.
- Geoscience/Remote Sensing for climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation
- Geoscience/Remote Sensing for agriculture and food security
- Algorithms/Methods for multi-modal remote sensing image analysis
- Algorithms/Methods for planetary remote sensing
Proposal Format
Proposals for invited special sessions must reach the Chairs of Tutorials/Invited Special Sessions. This deadline will be strictly observed, and no deadline extension will be given. Each proposal should include the following information:
- Chair and Co-Chair (optional) names institutional affiliations and contact information
- Special Session title
- Brief description of Special session with keywords
- A short abstract (with at least 250 and fewer than 500 words)
- List of potential invitees (Prior consent is needed)
In general, each invited special session will be composed of 5-6 papers. The selection process involves a round of review of the proposal itself, followed by the submission of papers in the selected proposal in the regular research track.
Preference will be given to Invited Special Sessions referring to the topics designated as special interest for InGARSS 2023. The guidelines for manuscript preparation, submission and review process for the invited special sessions is the same as the call for (research track) papers. The accepted and presented papers will be published in the Conference proceedings by IEEE and also appear in the IEEEXplore.
All deadlines are at 11:59 PM AoE on the stated dates
Invited Special Session Chairs
- Dr. Shyam Lal, NITK Surathkal, Karnataka, India ( )
- Dr. Shilpa Suresh, MIT Manipal, Karnataka, India ( )