Technical Community Event – “Story Through Maps” Challenge

Presentation Submission Closed

Important Note

For queries, contact us at with the subject prefixed “Story Through Maps Query:”


The Challenge aims to achieve one or more of the following objectives: 

    • Bring out creative ideas and cartographic skills
    • Encourage story telling through maps
    • Encourage use of GIS software to create maps
    • Increase use of maps as a mode of communication
Problem Statement

The task of this challenge is to create a short video – describing a story through maps. It should highlight the process of map making, its data, insights and impact. The challenge is open for students and young professionals having less than 15 years of working experience.

  • The maps should be created using a geospatial software of the participant’s choice, such as QGIS, Felt, Mapbox, ArcGIS Online or any other map-making software.
  • The map(s) should describe a problem and highlight the impact. It would be nice to have an animated map but not a necessity. Avoid having too much voiceover, much of the story should be described by your map(s).
Submission Guidelines
  • The video should have a short descriptive title
  • The video should be uploaded to YouTube / Drive and the link should be added in the submission form.
  • The videos should be no longer than 3 minutes.
  • The video should be creative and visually appealing, using animations, narration through graphics, and other elements to enhance the storytelling.
  • The tools, and data used to create the video should be mentioned in the video. It should provide a concise summary of the map, including the data sources, and analysis techniques used, if any.
  • The video should not contain any graphics without appropriate citation.
  • Only 1 entry per team. Each team can consist of a maximum of 3 members.


Ready to submit? Please read the submission guidelines carefully before submitting

Judging Criteria
  • Visual appeal: How visually appealing is the map and video, and how effectively do they communicate the message?
  • Effectiveness: How well does the map use relevant data sources, explains the problem chosen, and analysis of the data?
  • Storytelling: How well does the video tell a compelling story and engage the audience?
  • Originality and creativity: How unique and creative is the use of data, story and tools?

The top 5 submissions will present their submission during InGARSS YP session track at IIIT Bangalore on December 11, 2023. A winner and runner-up will be chosen based on the presentation and awarded with prizes.


The top 5 submissions will be selected and invited to present their video presentation in three minutes during InGARSS. The top 2 video presentations selected by the jury will be awarded attractive prizes in the value of 500$ for the first, 300$ for the second, and 200$ for the People’s choice winner in addition to certificates from IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.

For the public Choice Award, all entries, which accepted the terms of use, will be open to the public vote by attendees. The winners will be notified during the Young Professional event of the conference. Please make sure that you have the correct contact information in the submission form, which will be shared on October 9.


All deadlines are at 11:59 PM AoE on the stated dates

Release of Problem Statement
Registration Opens (Same as Conference)
Proposal Submission Open (Only for Registered Conference Participants)
Proposal Submission Deadline (Only for Registered Conference Participants)
Proposal Acceptance Notification
Session (Same as The Main Conference, to be Updated as per Final Program Schedule)
September 01, 2023
September 24, 2023
October 09, 2023
November 15, 2023
December 1, 2023
December 11-13, 2023

Sample Videos for Inspiration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Could you please clarify whether video submissions should be sent via email, or if there is an alternative method for submitting entries?

The video link should be uploaded via the Google form link attached on this page. The video should be uploaded to YouTube or Drive and the link to the submission form.

Is there a reference video available for "Story Through Maps" to gauge the expected standard of video submissions?

Many reference videos are attached in the webpage, which should give everybody an idea on how to create the videos.

Are there any guidelines on the duration of the video?

The video duration should not exceed 3 minutes. For more detailed guidelines, refer Submission Guidelines section on this page

What are the requirements of geospatial software? Can we use a combination of code and software to create maps?

Use of code is permitted along with any open geospatial software.

Young Professional Chairs

If you have any questions, please send an email to Participants are encouraged to follow the @InGARSS2023 and @GRSSYp on Twitter